Our Belief
“ You made me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous.”
- You are a unique and wonderful human being. Your Creator endowed you with special characteristics that set you apart from others.
- Your uniqueness means you are different. You may respond differently to circumstances and stimuli, including painful situations.
- Your special characteristics also means you may respond differently to therapeutic interventions.
- You are a tripartite structure composed of physical body, soul and spirit. Chronic pain affects the entire human structure. In this respect, a holistic approach to pain therapy must be pursued in order to achieve wholeness of the individual.
- You have tremendous intrinsic value and self-worth. Deleterious circumstances such as chronic pain may have undermined you. However, there is potential to bounce back.
“ We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
- You have the Right to decide on what modality of treatment for your pain management. The power to grant consent or refuse any form of treatment is in your hand.
- You have the right to ask for a full explanation for any procedure offered to you in the course of your treatment. Your body is your property and no one has the right to invade it without your approval.
- You were created with dignity. And so you deserve to be respected regardless of the negative impact of chronic pain in your life. In the same token, we expect you to be respectful to your providers and staff, regardless of your emotional condition.
Our Mission
“ And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.”
- You have so many available resources within your disposal both to research concerning your situation and to choose from in terms of management. We are excited to partner with other clinicians in different specialties to enlighten and assist you towards recovery and restoration.
- You may have experienced a devastating traumatic condition that has ravaged your life, relationship with work or your loved ones, but there is hope for a quality of life that could potentially liberate you to higher heights again. We are here to help you dream again and aspire to a fulfilling future.
- You will be inspired, challenged and encouraged by us to move from being a victim of your circumstances to being a success story. You must rise above your disabling limitations to the realms of endless possibilities!!!
“ That you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.”
- In a nutshell, our ultimate goal and desire is to improve your pain condition and revamp your relationship to work and loved ones. Your ability to return to the workforce and enjoy satisfaction in contributing to the community will be a successful story indeed!!!